Foods to Consume for Healthy Lungs

Alex James

Healthy Lungs

Since the pandemic of the year 2020 hit us, we all have gotten serious about our health issues and everyone is worried about their immunities. Especially about the viruses, they all have been attacking our lungs. Be it coronavirus or the dengue virus. These diseases have made all of our lungs very vulnerable and weak. So, we all have learned about the importance of healthy lungs and how they play such an important role in healthy living. 

According to the best chest specialist in Multan, the lungs are our self-help group when it comes to breathing. A number of people have been suffering from asthma since the smog wave attacked again. So now it is our responsibility to decide what to do in order to make our lungs function while being healthy and stronger. 

A change in diet can do wonders. You just need to focus on the food options that make you feel better and those that are good for your lungs’ health. These include:


We as Pakistanis are quite inclined to consume turmeric as it is added to every other dish that is in our cuisine. It is very well known for its anti-inflammatory qualities as it has curcumin present inside which is really great when it comes to asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, any acute lung injury, and every other lung disease that one has. It is also good for abdominal swellings and inflammation. 

The tightness in the chest because of the blocked airways is eradicated by the consumption of turmeric. All the other symptoms associated with asthma are treated with the curcumin present in turmeric. 


If you keep consuming apples on a daily basis, there has been seen immense improvement in lung health. Consuming 5 or 6 apples in a week can help you get rid of any time of pulmonary disease. When it comes t the chronic ones, the symptoms are managed well with that. 

Apple is a fruit that is highly rich in vitamin C and has flavonoids in it too, this makes it very helpful because the presence of antioxidants in a rich amount makes it help the human body in so anyways. The daily consumption of apples can help you prevent lung cancer too. 


If you want to know what the richest source of vitamin C is, and I tell you it’s not oranges will you be shocked? Because I am. Peppers are one such food that is highly rich in vitamin C. It is a nutrient that is water-soluble and is one of the strongest antioxidants in the body. 

People who smoke and have damaged lungs should be consuming peppers a lot. However, it is said that smokers do get benefits from consuming high doses of vitamin C as their lungs start to work better compared to those smokers who don’t. 


A carotenoid antioxidant that is associated with lung health called lycopene is found richly in tomatoes and tomato products. The inflammation in the airways of the lungs can be improved for people who have COPD by consuming tomatoes.  

Green Tea

Green tea helps a lot in improving lung health and its function. ECGG  Epigallocatechin gallate is concentrated catechin that is present in green tea. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It cures scarring of tissues and hinders fibrosis in the lungs. 

A disease in which there is scarring in the lung tissues starts to occur is called pulmonary fibrosis. A lot of research has been done to prove that ECGG can help a lot in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.  

Olive Oil

Olive oil is known for its numerous benefits. It helps a lot with the diseases associated with the lungs like asthma. It is known for its antioxidant properties and is an anti-inflammatory that works like magic. Oil Olive has been said to be working for people who are chain smokers or those who do drugs involving the lungs.  

The vitamin E and antioxidants like polyphenols present in olive oil are the ones. That works great for the lungs by opening the airways and removing inflammation. 

Final Thoughts

A diet that is rich in foods and beverages that help the lungs to function is a way better option to take care of your lungs’ health instead of using medication. Consult your doctor in case of any serious condition that you might be having.

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