Samsung Repair Near Pennsylvania For Common Samsung Problems

Alex James

Samsung Repair

If you have been using a Samsung phone for more than 3 months, you may have noticed some problems popping up, and these issues are common amongst all Samsung devices. 


In this blog, we will cover some common issues that occur in Samsung phones and their solutions. However, if the problem still persists, you should search for Samsung repair near Pennsylvania so you don’t damage your phone any further.

High-battery Drainage Problem

If your battery is draining at an unusual speed, this doesn’t mean bad battery health. There may also be other issues that you can easily control to have a good battery life throughout the day. Follow the below steps to get your desired battery time:


  • Turn off GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth NFC, and other connectivity options when you are not using them.
  • Clean apps through a phone optimizer.
  • Turn on the power saving mode.
  • Dim the screen’s brightness.
  • Turn off the always-on display.
  • Don’t use live wallpapers.


All the above hacks will give you a better battery backup, and you can use your phone longer than before.

The screen Is Stuck And Unresponsive

Is your phone stuck during normal usage and becoming unresponsive despite touching the screen? This may be related to your phone’s cache.


If your phone is becoming unresponsive for a small period of time, then you can fix this by simply locking and unlocking your phone with the power button. But if the power button is also becoming unresponsive while the screen is stuck, restart your phone by holding down the power button for 10 seconds.

Overheating In Samsung Phones

Overheating relates to your battery health directly. An old or weak battery might be the issue. But, the surrounding temperature also notably impacts your phone’s heating level. For example, you will commonly notice a heat-up of your phone in summer. 


Another reason could be charging. Your phone will get extremely hot when you charge and use it at the same time. To solve this, you can replace your phone’s battery with a new one. If you don’t want to place the battery, you can opt for the below steps to avoid overheating of your phone:


  • Avoid using your phone in high-temperature areas.
  • Don’t use your phone in direct sunlight.
  • Don’t use your phone during charging.
  • Turn off Mobile Data when you are not using it.


If nothing works out, it is prudent to visit a repair shop for a quick Samsung phone repair near State College, PA and let professionals handle the issue.

Trouble Connecting To WiFi

Not being able to connect to a WiFi network is not something to worry about. There may be signal disruptions and not something related to your phone. You can solve this by restarting your phone or putting it on Airplane mode for 10 to 15 seconds.

Apps Not Downloading From Google Play Store

You may find that you can’t download apps from the Play Store. Either the download gets stuck or doesn’t start at all. Many Andriod users face this issue, which is more common in Samsung users. But its not something to worry about as it can be fixed with changes in your Google Play Store settings.


Just clear the cache of your Google Play Store. Go to settings and apps and open Google Play Store. Then clean the cache and restart your phone and start the download again.


You can clear your Google Play Store history if this doesn’t work. Just open the Google Play store, go to settings, and clear the history. This will solve your issue.

Slow Phone 

You will most commonly see this in older phones compared to new ones. It is usually because the phone’s RAM is clogged by apps and files you don’t use. Go through your phone, remove apps and files you don’t need, and clear the cache data. 


As a last resort, you can save the important on Google Drive and restore the phone to factory reset. Another thing you can do is recycle your phone to raise cash for an upgrade.

You Can’t Send Messages

Sometimes your messaging system won’t let you send messages, no matter how many you try. Check that you have a signal and are connected to your phone’s data or WiFi. The fault could be in the app if you still can’t message. Try a different messaging app. Or else, may be it’s a software issue which is more complex. So, head to a repair shop in your vicinity to repair Samsung phone near State College, PA.

MicroSD Issues In Samsung Phones

Older MicroSD cards develop problems that cause Samsung smartphones to be unable to recognize them. The best way to solve this is to insert the card into your PC card reader and format it more than once. After doing this, try inserting the SD card into your phone again.


Samsung phones have a reputation for being reliable and high-quality, but issues can creep in. If your phone is old and is facing issues you just can’t solve, we think it is time to upgrade to a newer model. You can also search for Samsung repair near Pennsylvania to get your phone fixed, so it is good as new.

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