Free Guest Posting is the activity of authoring and posting a blog post on the website of another individual or company. The majority of guest bloggers are given credit for their posts (as well as a link to their website) in their author byline.
What is the Significance of Guest Blogging?
Free Guest Posting is beneficial since it allows you to connect with others in your industry, expose your brand to a new audience, increase referral traffic to your website, establish yourself as a thought leader, and potentially build SEO-boosting backlinks to your website.
Guest Blogging Best Practices
Let’s go over some best practices for free guest posting.
1. Present Relevant Websites
Free Guest Posting can help your company reach a new audience, but only if you pitch websites to audiences interested in your brand and the issue you’re writing about.
The good news is that there are numerous methods for locating relevant websites. One of the quickest and simplest methods is to use Ahrefs’ Content Explorer, a searchable database of billions of web pages that includes SEO and social analytics.
Here’s how to go about it:
- Navigate to Content Explorer.
- Enter a wide keyword or phrase that is relevant to your niche.
- Select In the drop-down menu, select the title
- Carry out the search
- Select the One page per domain checkbox.
- Select the Exclude homepages checkbox.
- Select the Exclude subdomains checkbox.
For instance, if you operate a blog about home décor or sewing, you may search for “quilting fabric” to find blogs that have discussed this specific topic. The notion is that if a website has written a blog post about a topic similar to the one you want to pitch, the chances of them being interested in it are high.
2. Present Traffic-Generating Websites
Free Guest Posting can help you get your brand in front of a new audience and increase referral traffic to your website, but only if the site you write for receives traffic. That is why we recommend looking for sites with at least a few thousand organic hits per month.
For certain sites, here’s how to filter your Content Explorer results:
- Select Website Traffic
- clicking Add Filter.
- Enter the bare minimum of traffic (e.g., 10,000)
You should then only view web pages from sites that receive at least 10,000 organic visits each month:
3. Pitch Numerous Sites At the Same Time
The harsh reality of Free Guest Posting is that no matter how fantastic your proposal is, many blogs will disregard your email since they are swamped with Free Author Account and Guest Posting Websites pitches daily. Simply said, they don’t have time to answer everyone. As a result, if you want to enhance your chances of getting published, never pitch only one site at a time.
As a general rule, a pitch at least 5-10 sites if you want to create and publish one guest post. You may receive approval from various sites, but having many options is always preferable to having none. Send an email to the owner, editor, marketing manager, content director, or whoever is in charge of the blog to pitch it. Include a brief Free Author Account and Guest Posting Websites pitch in your outreach email, which should include:
- You are who you are.
- What you would like to write about.
- Why you’re the best person for the job.
If you can’t find the email address of the person you’re attempting to contact, see our guide to discovering email addresses.
Is Guest Blogging Still Effective?
Yes, but landing Free Author Account and Guest Posting Websites is more difficult than it used to be because many website owners have to sort through a torrent of terrible guest post offers every day. However, if you can break through the cacophony with an excellent pitch, you’ll still reap the benefits of guest blogging, like exposure to a new audience, new partnerships, referral traffic, and backlinks.
How Much are Guest Bloggers Compensated?
If you work with recognized journals and publications, you may be compensated for your guest post, however, most website owners do not compensate bloggers for guest articles. Because Free Guest Posting offers numerous other advantages, most marketers are eager to do it for free.
Is Guest Blogging Harmful to SEO?
In 2014, Google’s Matt Cutts wrote an iconic blog post declaring that “guest blogging is dead.” However, he was largely alluding to the low-quality guest blogging strategy that many SEOs were doing at the time, in which they wrote low-quality content on dubious sites only for link-building purposes. Writing a useful, worthwhile blog post for an established, authoritative site with a relevant readership can still greatly benefit your SEO—and is quite unlikely to harm it.
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